Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 13 - The Waffle Diet Works!

Day 13 -

Ok, so the title of my blog today is not exactly true but don't you wish it were???  The story is that yesterday I was scrounging through the pantry to find some food.  We are a tad on the poor side this week, so I decided that mmmmmmmmmaybe I'd just go ahead and have a waffle with the fabulous new waffle maker my mother had given me for Christmas.  LOVE IT! 

Ok, so it's not on the diet but it was just about the only thing warm to eat in our house on a cold night.  So, I get my little waffle cooked and prepare myself to gain some weight the next morning.  In order to fend it off a little, I decide the family should take a 10 to 15 minute walk around the neighborhood after supper.  We did and Scarlett had a blast!

So, I've been stuck at 248.0 lbs. for like 4 days.  I wake up this morning and dread going to the scale.  When I get on it...I see I've lost 1.4 lbs.  I'm down to 246.4!!!  What the heck!?!?!  I'm so eating waffles more often!  Well, not really.  Want to know my secret?  My dear hubby has decided that we need to walk during our lunch hour every day.  I've accomplished that feat each day this week and feel so much bettter!

I was kinda bummed when I saw I was stuck at 248 for several days but I really think that the walking after we ate had something to do with the drop in poundage.  Moral to my story...don't sit on your fat tail after you eat.  Try to keep moving at least for 30 minutes after you eat....including supper.  This is not rocket science I know but it is nice to see a little bit of improvement after being at a standstill for a few days.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  Stay safe and warm!  Supposed to snow/sleet here in Little Rock on Monday!  Snow day!


Morning weigh in:  246.4 lbs. (YEAH! ME!)
Pounds lost:  5.6 (YEAH!!!)
Donuts I'd love to eat....4,000!!!! (But I'm not)  :)

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying your posts! Keep up the good (hard) work. It is no fun. But you have to find something that works for you long-term. And who wants to give up waffles forever? No way! Have a waffle now and then, and exercise consistently. Live your life, and enjoy it. :)
